The New York Mixed Chorus

ニューヨーク混声合唱団(The New York Mixed Chorus, NYMC)は、ベストハーモニーを目指してニューヨーク・マンハッタンで活動する、日本語スピーカーのための混声合唱団です。レパートリーは幅広く、日本の伝統的な合唱曲を始め、現代曲、クラシック、オペラ、宗教曲、民謡、スピリチュアル、バーバーショップ、J-Popなど、ジャンルを問わず、皆が楽しめるバラエティに富んだ音楽に挑戦しています。
Welcome to the website of the New York Mixed Chorus.
NYMC is a Japanese mixed chorus based in Manhattan that performs a wide variety of genres including traditional Japanese choral music, contemporary music, classical music, operas, folk songs, spirituals, barbershop, J-pop and more.
We are an independent choir entirely managed by leaders elected from among our members. While we receive guidance from professional instructors including our conductor, pianist, and vocal coach, all of our activities including our rehearsal schedule, annual concert, and general operations are planned and executed by NYMC members. In order to accommodate members with differing levels of choral experience, we provide recordings for each voice part to learn and practice new songs, so even those who are brand new to music can participate.
We work hard to perfect our music for our annual concert, but we also strive for our choir to be an enjoyable and meaningful experience. We promote a social atmosphere at our weekly rehearsals as well as organize events including biannual training camps and volunteering efforts such as caroling at hospitals and fundraising for charitable causes.
NYMC began in 2001 as a men’s chorus and became a mixed chorus in 2004. 2019 marks the 15th anniversary of NYMC as a mixed chorus. We are extremely grateful to our music instructors, the Japanese American Association of New York (JAA) for providing rehearsal space, our concert sponsors, all of our members including former members, and everyone who has supported us over the past 15 years.
We are always glad to welcome new members so if you are interested in singing with us, please feel free to reach out to us at any time.
The New York Mixed Chorus